Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Last Assignment: Incorporating Classmates’ Strategies

1) I chose to incorporate the strategies of:
b)Blog address on email signature
I chose these two because they were not ones I had tried before and I thought they would be the most effective out of the ones I had not tried. I especially liked the signature option as I send out over a hundred emails a week at work and personally.

2)I definitely found this project to be useful to me as an ITRT. Teachers tell me they enjoy my blogs and are using some of the ideas I have posted. I have greatly expanded my personal learning network. I have really enjoyed looking for things to post on my blog and have learned a lot by scouring the internet for ideas. I have enjoyed reading what others have posted as well. As for my project, I have really enjoyed learning more about ROAR and am looking forward to doing it next week with a class.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

I just made a new Voki. See it here:

For example, one of the neat ideas I heard was to embed a Voki in your Quia quiz. Here's how to do it: In Quia, you'll notice a blue + sign. You can paste your voki html code in this box, and your voki will appear in the instructions, questions or answers, wherever you want them. As you make the quia activity, be sure to check the box that says "Activate HTML and LaTeX ".
You can embed a Voki into just about any program where you can embed code.
What a great way to review for SOLs!!
Have fun!